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: Welcome to mylifeispurrfect! My name is Sharon. I've been blogging since 2004 but stopped for a while and now I'm back, PERMANENTLY! My life evolves around people and things I love, and I hope you can be part of it too :)

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Selfie Stick from Bicycles.sg (Sponsored Post)
written on 18 Jan 2015 @ Sunday, January 18, 2015 ✈

Hello there, it's been erm a while. I've been most active on my instagram and then of course, those who know me knows that I've started a Youtube channel, channel name is SharonAChia. I'm now documenting my life in videos so that in the future when I look back, it will be of moving moments instead of still images. Haa...

So anyway, today, I'm introducing the selfie stick, which well, in Singapore is hardly a new thing already but perhaps, if there are anyone out there who still doesn't know what's a selfie stick, you're in for a treat.

Selfie sticks allows you to take really selfie photos with bigger background area or you can have more people squeezed into a picture.

When you're alone and you want to have a good picture taken, it is exceptionally useful. Overall, it is definitely easy to use and when you keep it, it is about the size of A4 paper length, therefore if you have a bigger bag it will definitely fit.

Do pop by http://bicycles.sg to checkout the selfie stick and if you're a cycling enthusiast, you can find lots of bicycles to buy on the site too!

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Last Day of 2013!
written on 31 Dec 2013 @ Tuesday, December 31, 2013 ✈

It's that time of the year again where people make resolutions and what not. I fail at every year's resolution made so I'm not gonna do it again. Lol! Maybe I didn't manage a few items but some I did it though.

Anyhow, I believe it's time to give thanks too, and to remember the blessings which God has given.

It's been a while but I've not felt such energy surging in my body and the excitement I'm feeling. I have a very good feeling about 2014! For me, there is gonna be 2 major changes in my life which I'm so looking forward to.

Next year, I'm gonna tie the knot with the man I love! It's been an incredible 3 years journey with him, coupled with the ups and downs we face. The difference whenever we meet a downtime is that, he will ALWAYS talk it out, although sometimes it can be rather frustrating to wait for a good 30 seconds before he give a reply or answer, or he choose to keep quiet for a while. Then I always need to prompt him and ask him to reply me. That being said, I've always been someone who sweeps things under the doormat sort, refusing to speak up if I'm upset and probably wait till the volcano erupts, and that's when it's too late. My fiance has taught me not to do that, and seriously, I've became so vocal that sometimes I'm scared of myself. Hahaha...

So, I've finally found the man who completes my life, who makes me whole, and a better person to boot. As we embark on this new journey, which is both exciting and scary, but hey, what's life without a little change right?

On another note, besides that one big thing, I'm making a career move as well. So that's 2 big things happening in my life! Friends whom I'm close to will know where I'm moving to, and honestly I can't wait! I'm looking forward to the new challenge yet one big thing I'm gonna miss is the flexible timing I have here! I can't find it anywhere else!

As we step foot on the last day of 2013, I wanna give thanks for the things happening/ that has happened in my life. Well, this year my health hasn't been all that great, although it's already alot better now towards year end and I'm thankful for that. As such, I didn't miss all the feasting, going to Christmas parties etc. But anyway, I hope my health will be even better in 2014! Besides that, of course settling down and making a career move are the 2 big things I'm thankful for. I also thank God for blessing my family with great health, my sister for finally buying a condo on her own (that's very awesome, I think she's a super woman). I thank God for letting me win the Bonia Inspiregram contest, where I got a pair of SQ tickets to Milan, so fiance had a chance to propose to me in an absolutely amazing Venice, one which I will never ever forget in my life. Other bigger wins this year like a Furla Cookie bag, a Y3 keychain, a Seiko watch, and smaller wins like vouchers and cash prizes! I've never one a lucky person honestly, but I guess it's God's blessings and the power of attraction! And quite possibly, my fiance 旺 me too! Lol! I'm not a contest junkie, I don't join ALL the contests I see. Unless it's something I'm interested in, and I weigh the chances of winning as well. Hehe... That's one tip for you! But of course, you can go by the law of large numbers too. Just as everyone who actually buys some 4D or Toto for a little hope in their life...

And maybe, maybe, I might just get lucky too and win some Toto leh? Hehehe!

May all of you have a fantastic 2014, where in this New Year you forgive mistakes, forget sorrows, love truly and laugh endlessly! Make it rocking! Happy New Year my friends!!

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San Remo to Geelong (Australia)
written on 3 Dec 2013 @ Tuesday, December 03, 2013 ✈

Working hard to put up more posts for you all! This is Day 3. The next day, from San Remo, we depart to Geelong. Before checking out our beautiful resort apartment, we had to take more pics! We are so in love with the apartment that all of us didn't wanna leave!!!

My dad has this signature pose which he learnt from a trip long time ago when we went Taiwan. Lol!

Before we reach Geelong, we went to the Ashcombe maze. It was a morning of fun trying to get out of the maze. Lol!! I'm pretty sure my parents had fun too!

My dad's signing on the guest book. Haha...

Ok let's start!!

This is a candid shot, believe it or not. Haha... Only my mum is ready for the cam. I wonder what my sis and I were looking at?

Alright, timer set, say cheeze!

Along the way, we have gnomes to spot!

We completed the mazes available and it was time for lunch.

Two sets, to share again. Haha... Their portions are definitely humongous!

And we continued our journey on... and reached Sorrento. The area seems really nice, and a very well-to-do place. People here all look rich and chic.

It was super windy and cold. I had to pull my beret really low so it won't fly away. Thankfully I have my warmth beside me all the time!!

I simply love the scenery. Why so pretty one.

And to shorten the time travel on the road, we took a ferry. A ferry which allows cars to go in. Yeah!

In the ferry... time for more pics. We wanted to take the ferry partially because we were hoping to spot whales or dolphins but they choose not to appear. :(

Semi art piece shot. Lol...

Oh even dearest also learn the pose now.

Very rocky. Need to hold on to something for balance.

And then we reached Geelong after about 50 minutes on the ferry.

Checked in to Mercure Geelong. Dearest looking so cute and happy!!! Usually he looks so cool and serious.

Ok, get aside please. I want to have a shot of the room. Our room with a view :)

And it's dinner time. Chinese again.

Ok, this meal we didn't order the fried banana or perhaps they didn't have it. I can't remember. Shall post up another entry soon (hopefully!).

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San Remo Day 2
written on 1 Dec 2013 @ Sunday, December 01, 2013 ✈

I have so photos to edit just for one day of my trip! Lol... But it's worth the effort if I know someone is reading out there.

So, to continue from my post of my Australia trip to Melbourne, the second day we left Melbourne and went in to San Remo. Just in case you've missed my Melbourne Day one entry, just click here.

My precious Unicorn gets to travel with us. Super lucky unicorn, coz it also get to go to Italy and Desaru. Oh, did I mention I just came back from Desaru? I'm so behind time to post up my trips. Omg..

I love Australia's roads. I hope to migrate there some day.

We set off earlier that day in the hope of going to the Pelican View to catch the feeding of the pelicans. We almost missed it, because the GPS couldn't find the spot but God is good. The pelican feeding time is at 12pm. We barely made it. Ok, we did miss the feeding actually but thank God the pelicans were still around for the next 15 minutes thereabout before all of them went away. Dearest almost gave up finding the place but we were just sort of directed there. :)

I love  the seagulls!

Call me ignorant, but I never knew pelicans were that huge. Hahaha...

Around the area, oh so beautiful!

After watching the pelicans, we settled for lunch at the Fish & Chips. When you're in Australia, fish & chips is a must.

Lovely view when you sit inside the restaurant.

Tip: Whenever you order any food in Australia, it's very high chance it's a portion which you can share with someone else (applies to anyone who normally can finish a set meal in Singapore and feel full after). In this senerio, we 2 sets and its shared amongst 5 of us! They give fries like its free. Ok, no not free coz the price is double of Singapore anyway.

Our first trip to Perth where I went with my fiance and his family, wed actually fed the seagulls with french fires. And they seem to love it.

So my dad tried.....


After lunch, we headed to Philip Island. We went to the Chocolate Factory to have a look.

Fancy a heel chocolate anyone?

So intricately made.

And then it was checkin time. One of the best stay throughout our trip. The Silverwater Resort.

At the lobby...

Facilities at the resort. Indoor and outdoor pool!!

Let's have a game of tennis.

Here's our very beautiful apartment. We gave it 5/5 stars.

The mum's kitchen. Hahaha!

After lazing around for a while, we headed out. First to Nobbies boardwalk.

Along the way. What's the chances of catching a sight like this? Father and mother protecting their kids while crossing the road.

Ah you, don't anyhow run ah!

And we reached Nobbies boardwalk. The view is amazeballs.

Oh yes, didn't showcase our rented car from Hertz. Our white Toyota Camry. Boot fits well for all of our luggages. If I didn't recall wrongly, we had 3 x 24" luggages and a cabin sized luggage in all.

Emo shot

Another emo girl

And off we go to watch the penguin parade!! At the carpark and hey, is this the same family or not? Maybe not coz these have 4 kids. The other one only 3 kids. Or did one walked faster earlier? Hahaha! So cute!!!

As much as I wanted to take pictures at the penguin parade, but no photography is allowed. Adhere to the rules please people. :) It was quite annoying when there are people who goes flashing their flashlights which essentially will scare the penguins.

Anyway, it was an amazing experience, to see the penguins and they are the tiny ones, not those we normally see in the zoo. I found this introductory video on the official website of the penguin parade. You can check it out.

By the way, it is always recommended to get your tickets prior to your visit to the place to avoid queues. We got our tickets at Silverwater.

During the period we were in Australia is their winter time, so watching the parade was kinda cold. If you're there around August, remember to pile on your clothes!

After the parade, we went for our dinner. My mum doesn't really like western food, so we will always hunt for Chinese food. Thankfully Australia have many Chinese restaurants, unlike Europe, so almost all of our meals for the day will have one Chinese cuisine.

Corn soup

And we ended off with fried banana with ice-cream again. Hehe!

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